Child Health

Local Offer

Local Offer supports young people aged 0-25yrs with additional needs.


Cancer Awareness

Grace Kelly Childhood Cancer Trust have produced this film to raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of childhood cancer, educating parents, families, and medical professionals worldwide.

Information video: GKCCT Childhood Cancer Awareness Film

Childhood illness visual guide

Use this visual guide to help you identify common conditions and illnesses that may affect your child. Includes conditions such as measles, slapped cheek syndrome, chicken pox and warts.

Website: NHS: Visual Guide for Childhood illnesses

Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

We support children and young people (up to the age of 25) who have special educational needs or disabilities (SEND). We provide advice, information and can carry out specialist assessments and give ongoing support where necessary.

Telephone: 0118 937 3641

Vaccination planner

Download a personalised vaccination calendar, which highlights the dates your child needs to have their vaccinations by.

Download from: NHS: Vaccination Schedule